SEO trends in 2018 is changing with every day algorithm updates. Here in this article we had includes the latest changes in SEO trends which you should focus more like Mobile First Approach, Website Speed, AMP, Voice Search, Web Security, RankBrain, Content etc.
In our previous article, we tried to focus on a quick On-Page SEO Checklist for Small Business Website. In that, we have mentioned about the checkpoints for site speed improvement in order to boost SEO.
Continuing the series for Small Business Website Tips, today I will share one more aspect that is important for small business websites.
In our previous blog, we had mentioned Why WordPress is beneficial for SEO Activities. As mentioned in that blog, WordPress default installation is not at all SEO friendly. With the use of some plugins and a little bit of manual work, WordPress becomes SEO friendly.
Back in 2003 – a time when a concept of blogging is not much popular, there is a platform named Wordpress released with a core purpose of blogging.
Nowaday, many website owners think of to own website using leading optimization. To get their websites at the top search engine ranking like Google, Yahoo, Bing. Therefore all website owners go for SEO to increase their business and get more inquires, profit through their websites. And because of Globalization and market trends now day’s SEO plays an important part to grow your business.