10 Basic Things – To Consider When Developing Website In WordPress.
June 24, 2022
By: Ved - Admin

Before going on today’s subject, I would like to share some impactful statistics about WordPress usability growth – which proves your decision right as already planned to use WordPress as CMS for your own business or any of your client’s business.
WordPress market share is 43% of all websites
According to W3Techs, WordPress powers 43% of all the websites on the Internet, including those without a content management system (CMS) or with a custom-coded CMS.
Or to put it another way, WordPress powers over one-third of the web! And if you limit the data set to only websites with a known CMS, WordPress’ market share gets even more dominant.
In that case, WordPress holds a 65% market share for content management systems on websites with a known CMS.
Curtsey: kinsta.com support team
WordPress 5.2 download count (Image source: WordPress.org download counter)
Now, without wasting readers’ time directly coming on the Topic by sharing following things which need to consider when you plan to
develop website using WordPress:
- First and very Important as per the WordPress Experts – Always use latest version of WordPress while starting to develop your website using WordPress.
When I am writing this Blog, Version 6.0 is the latest WordPress release which released in May 2022.
- Decide either to go with ready to use WordPress theme or not. If you find any WordPress theme which can meet your expectations in terms of look and feel for your business website and more importantly structure of website then you can go with it. As in this scenario, you only need to replace your logo, colors and contents in the theme which can be straight forward from the help file of theme.
- If you do not find any ready to use WordPress theme to be usable as your business website, then I suggest use default WordPress Child Theme and get developed custom theme for your own business.
Obviously, for this you need to take help of WordPress development team but by this your website will be unique in terms of design, not only in your business segment but also in other segments as well.
- During development, make sure to use as minimum WordPress Plugins as possible because as observed from WordPress experts with plugins security constraints may come in the picture in future.
- Possibly, use the default editors and Advance Custom fields to manage the contents from admin side so loading time of your website can be good in compare to usage of builders/editors like Elementor, Visual Builder, DiVi, WP Bakery and so on…
- Usage of images can be with proper size so website can load quickly.
- Use H1 Tags and all properly as per guidelines of search engines to be compatible with search engines.
- Use SMTP for your contact forms you uses in website, which make sure about the email deliveries when you get inquiries from your website contact forms.
- To prevent spamming from the forms use Captcha/ReCaptcha on your website.
- Once, you are done with all development and go live – I strongly recommend to use free security plugin as per your choice after reviewing their results. This, really helped us to prevent our clients’ websites against the hacking and malware attacks.
With my 15+ years of IT industry experience, I can say - WordPress is one of the easy to use and manage CMS which requires minimum (or I can say NO technical knowledge) if developers build it right way so that - it will be easy to manage for the website owners, who will be using same to manage their basic contents by own.
Further, feel free to ask any of your queries related to website designing and development in the comment section. Our professional web experts will be happy to help you.
You can also contact us on Skype: vishalmba08 or email us at info@vedwebservices.com